Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Cupano Brunello 2002 at Probka in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Our Brunello di Montalcino 2002 at Probka Restaurant in Saint Petersburg, Russia, along with Echezeaux Domaine Gros Frère & Sœur and Mont Damné Didier Daguenau.

The 2002 harvest was really tough because of the frequent and intense rains which characterized that summer. A few weeks before the harvest, Lionel decided to «operate» in the vineyards, cutting the ill grapes one by one with a nail scissors, then luckily the sun came out to help les raisins in September.

Most of all the journalists and critics discredited that vintage. Maybe too soon: some years later Ian D'Agata & Massimo Comparini put our 2002 Brunello di Montalcino in 19th place, greatest 2002 Brunello, in their Italy's Best Wines 2008.